[06:24:34] marostegui: you're having fun with templatelinks? We will have some more schema changes on it (making the old columns nullable and then later dropping them) [06:24:50] but thankfully it's a couple of months in the future [06:25:14] Amir1: Yes, it is a deeper issue than it looks [06:25:20] I am posting an update in the task in a sec [06:43:02] marostegui: thanks. Do you want to incorporate the change to auto_schema or run it separately (with some automation?). Let me know if I can help on anything [06:44:31] Amir1: will do thanks, I am going to reorganize things a bit. Will get back to you if I need help thanks :* [07:08:40] btw, I just started one of many clean ups of flaggedtemplates table in dewiki (and later rest of tables) which removes 10% = 80M rows in dewiki only [07:08:54] so it might start alerting/etc. in backups [08:28:09] s4 host is not draining ... [08:30:57] woo, swift-ring-builder patch merged upstream [08:32:45] niiice [10:30:10] marostegui, Amir1: am i good to run a schema change against s6? [10:30:39] kormat: ok from my side [10:30:40] fine by me, I'm upgrading s2 (one host at s4 thought) [10:31:11] 👍 [10:37:41] Amir1: any eta for db1146:3314 to come back online? [10:37:52] marostegui: an hour [10:37:57] excellent thanks [18:14:54] hello, do we have a DBA around at this time? [18:15:12] need some assistance if possible [18:17:01] mutante: not a dba, but if it is an emergency I am around [18:20:02] mutante: I'm around but I'm mentally exhausted. if it is not something super urgent I would rather deal with it tomorrow if that's possible [18:20:16] marostegui: don't worry, easy fix, I can take care [18:20:46] jynus: thanks, appreciate it [18:29:03] marostegui: thank you too, no worries, go rest [18:29:19] yeah, I should logoff