[06:16:07] I am going to keep rebooting the active proxies (after failing them over) [08:25:40] Huh, I get a discount code to the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin this year [08:27:05] nice [08:28:34] I wasn't planning on attending, to be fair [09:27:09] heads up on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T303696 afecting some db hosts [09:28:04] affecting as in, reducing redundancy, not actual affection on hosts [09:28:06] yes, but they all have redundante PS [09:38:45] Anyone feel able to +1 https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/770452 please? so I can get on with bringing new swift frontends into service. I'd normally ask god.og but they're away currently [09:39:12] checking [09:39:33] Thanks :) I linked to the docs in the commit message [09:40:13] you don't need to add them to site.pp? [09:40:17] (like the doc says?) [09:41:15] node /^ms-fe1\d\d\d\.eqiad\.wmnet$/ { [09:41:16] role(swift::proxy) [09:41:16] include ::lvs::realserver [09:41:16] } [09:41:19] [09:41:35] ah ok! [09:41:45] already there by that regex (which I agree is a bit confusing!) [09:41:49] +1 ed [09:42:07] Thanks. I should maybe update the docs to reflect that fact, actually. [09:42:17] yeah, indeed [09:44:23] done :) [10:16:42] marostegui: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T298294#7772954 🤬 [10:16:58] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/software/schema-changes/+/770461 this is only needed for s4 [10:17:04] I guess I wait until tomorrow :P [10:20:26] Amir1: you need to wake up earlier to beat me :p [10:20:38] or sleep later [10:20:40] :P [11:49:54] jynus: orchestrator-client -c all-instances should give you a list of all hosts in orchestrator [11:50:51] Re: temporary solutions, that is why I want to make better the "zarcillo" temporary solution [14:32:23] Amir1: I love T303605 [14:32:23] T303605: Stop announcing and scheduling primary database switchovers - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T303605 [14:33:38] cdanis: ^^