[07:51:44] Amir1: you got a special mention in https://phabricator.miraheze.org/T8876#181198 [10:43:51] dbprov1001 may complain about disk space, that's me doing bacula tests [10:44:03] you can ignore it (today) [10:50:39] no disk space issues found, BTW, things are back to normal [11:30:51] ^^ The templatelinks stuff will going to help a lot [11:47:37] dborch being broken is me [12:02:41] marostegui: it's back online with all the correct access (including API to cumin). Going to write a python script for it now ^^ [12:07:39] great [12:25:40] marostegui: I'm trying to fix but sudo db-mysql clouddb2001-dev fails :/ do you know from top of your head why? [12:25:50] ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'clouddb2001-dev' (-2) [12:27:23] you need to do .codfw.wmnet [12:27:31] but I'm not sure you'll be able to reach it from cumin [12:27:36] just go there locally [12:27:43] if not I can do it for you [12:28:04] I want the script to do it [12:28:09] I can do it manually [12:28:16] let's just do it manually [12:41:04] marostegui: should be fixed now [12:57:07] I think the estimation I made for templatelinks = 1 week of alter is wrong, I think it is going to be 2 weeks [12:58:24] :( [12:58:35] the table is large + s4 has lots of replicas [12:59:36] yeah, that's the issue [13:01:53] fwiw I don't mind waiting, I need to enable write both in lots of other wikis first and the maint script is not merged yet so I can wait [13:02:32] marostegui: oh "good news everyone" -> you need to do two more of these schema changes later (one to make the columns nullable, one to drop them) [13:04:00] Don't worry, I will assign those to you! [13:05:40] speaking of terrible things, I need to clean up the flaggedtemplates, the script is finished [13:08:02] I won't start that schema change on a friday [13:08:07] but let me know if I can on monday [13:19:05] I have accidentally started a big db backup on codfw- but it is ok, because I wanted to test a full cycle at some point with the new package