[06:24:55] For the DBAs- I still have a few more questions for T305114, but they are more on your side of things- how the data will be exactly regularly reloaded, while maintaining availability? And when the reload process happens? Leaving those details for you to clarify. [06:24:55] T305114: Set up MariaDB for Security API - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T305114 [09:31:03] as a reminder, in the afternoon I will be erratically available, as I will finish my day on a train [09:32:37] jynus: 👍 [09:34:39] Amir1: am i correct that auto_schema does not support {de,re}pooling multi-instance hosts? [11:39:44] kormat: depends on the usecase. Do you want to do bullseye upgrade? [11:40:43] This is what I wrote to ease the bullseye upgrade https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P23031 [11:40:49] (based on auto_schema) [12:29:47] ah hah [12:31:29] Amir1: you should restart mariadb after running `mysql_upgrade` [12:31:52] it wasn't mentioned in the list I got :/ [12:32:06] so far it didn't break anything and I did three sections :P [12:34:43] kormat: the script won't work if it's a multiinstance and has replicas (which is rare and I think all done already) and also would try to depool codfw master (which I basically commented out those parts) but generally works with every db [12:36:00] oh and double check any multinstance dbs, they might be done as part of another section upgrade [12:36:28] I think there shouldn't be any multiinstance left to upgrade actually given that every other section is upgraded [12:36:43] my specific use-case is about kernel upgrades [12:36:53] aaah [12:36:56] those are fun [12:37:19] i doubt that. :) [12:37:29] you probably write something based on the bullseye upgrade script I wrote [12:37:36] sorry, quote and quote fun [12:39:09] i think the script you already linked is probably the closest - i can change the last line to do a reboot instead, and drop the mysql_upgrade parts. [12:39:28] yeah [13:05:26] Amir1: `host.run_on_host('ls /srv/')` - this doesn't seem to return anything [13:06:13] kormat: dry run? [13:06:23] ufff. right. [13:12:39] if it helps contextualize the "reboot after upgrade"- when there is a major version upgrade, a reboot normally always needed, and when there is a minor version upgrade, it is sometimes needed- which I guess will lead manuel to suggest to always doing it, just in case to avoid issues [13:13:16] jynus: do you mean 'restart (of mariadb)', instead of reboot? otherwise i'm lost [13:16:03] yes sorry, my bad [13:16:17] ahh, ok 😅 [13:16:50] so I would support 100% to do it always, much safer, even if in many cases it will have no effect [13:18:48] the orchestrator backup & grant patches should be ready to go, but given it will have no effect until tuesday, other than potentially spam monitoring and break things, I will wait until monday to merge [13:19:03] my connection right now is a bit sketchy [13:21:51] SGTM [13:31:12] re: T305114 I will let you handle the understanding of what they really want and coordinate with you directly [13:31:12] T305114: Set up MariaDB for Security API - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T305114 [13:31:51] (afterwards) [15:17:45] Emperor: the email I got is *really* from you, right? (mixup with persona email, maybe)? [15:18:02] it got flagged as impersonation by google [15:18:49] it must be, answering to your work email instead [16:01:57] jynus: yes, it was from me. oops [16:02:27] Maybe Covid is eating my brain already :-/ [16:53:16] shouldn't you be taking some rest, btw? [16:53:53] BTW- I made the same mistake with our manager a few days earlier [17:05:15] Interesting: https://mysqlquicksand.wordpress.com/2022/03/31/changing-the-xbcloud-filesize-xtrabackup-streaming-to-cloud-storage/ [17:16:37] have a nice weekend- and everybody please take care!