[04:24:20] Amir1: I was thinking of something simpler, like modifying stashbot to not say the task name for these DB maintenance messages [09:24:30] legoktm: for that part I squeezed anything possible. e.g. in downtime, the ticket is not mentioned, in repool, only first and last step get ticket (not steps in between), ... [14:14:06] I think, having done some light testing, that we can probably replace swiftrepl with rclone :) [14:19:23] rclone sync --no-update-modtime -v --dry-run eqiad:wikipedia-testcommons-local-public codfw:wikipedia-testcommons-local-public [14:19:52] compares the contents, and concludes there's nothing to do (if you don't pass --no-update-modtime it wants to fix some modification times) [14:40:04] what is rclone? [14:43:34] volans: think rsync, but for cloudy storage - https://rclone.org/ [14:43:47] we used it at Sanger quite a bit for larger-scale S3 operations [14:43:55] ack, thx [14:51:06] yes please! :) [14:51:27] swiftrepl should really have been called swiftrsync anyway [15:11:19] might be the time to try and puppet-template the credentials file rather than have it copied around by hand too... [15:11:41] +100 [15:13:29] I suspect this may be a bit painful (since it hasn't previously been done), probably because of the need to put both codfw+eqiad credentials into a single template file [15:13:59] hiera supports aliases :D [15:14:25] unless they are in the secrets module, that should be also easy [15:18:07] I'll remind you of that next week ;p