[08:14:47] started an alter table on revision table in s1 😭 [08:15:09] it has 24 hours for downtime, if it's not enough it might start paging, but it's very very unlikely [08:15:31] Amir1: I would suggest to double check before leaving for the day and in case it hasn't finished, downtime it longer [08:15:42] yeah [08:15:52] will do. Thanks [09:37:22] marostegui: btw, query site_stats table in wikidata (or commons or enwiki) [09:45:31] oh nice [09:45:40] <3 [09:45:56] if you can find a good way to measure improvements on wait time of the table, let me know :D [09:46:42] maybe on performance data or something [10:04:00] Amir1: does this break the views on the cloud replicas? "java.sql.SQLException: View 'etwiki_p.revision' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them" [10:04:35] milimetric: probably [10:04:44] Amir1: ^ [10:04:45] k... yeah, that'll block our monthly job [10:05:14] milimetric: you use clouddb1021 right? [10:05:18] yes [10:05:24] let me fix it now [10:05:44] milimetric: I would guess the report is for all the wikis? [10:05:48] well, marostegui it'll be broken for dbs on s1 until the alter finishes, no? [10:06:06] milimetric: but it might have not reached s1 yet [10:06:09] that report is for etwiki [10:06:13] which is on s3, and I am fixing it now [10:06:15] let me check s1 [10:06:34] yeah it is broken there too [10:06:38] let me fix it across all wikis [10:07:01] milimetric: fixed for enwiki [10:07:10] sorry I was afk for a second [10:07:14] np, it's no rush [10:07:23] milimetric: fixed also for s2 [10:07:44] what do we have for revision table? The only thing there was making rev_timestamp binary(14), it shouldn't break the view there [10:08:10] milimetric: I have recreated all the views in clouddb1021 now, s3 is also done, so it should work everywhere [10:09:07] I can confirm it works on etwiki, but should I start this job back up? It'll take a few days. Or will it break again? And is it ok load-wise while the alter executes? [10:09:29] I don't know how it broke :/ marostegui knows better [10:09:31] Amir1: ^ is the alter done everywhere? [10:09:45] which alter? [10:09:59] I think he means "Amir1> started an alter table on revision table in s1 😭" [10:10:03] the revision one is started on s1 today [10:10:15] yeah, but you said that'd take 24h, it's only been 2 [10:10:26] milimetric: how long does the report take? [10:10:28] https://drift-tracker.toolforge.org/report/core/ [10:10:47] it's not a report, it sqoops all rows from all big tables from all wikis :) So like 3 days [10:11:02] ah sorry, then yes, in 3 days the alter will arrive to clouddb1021 anytime [10:11:10] milimetric: it takes a day per replica and even if it gets to the sanitarium master tomorrow (the worst case scenario), it'll take a while to reach clouddb [10:12:07] marostegui: ok, then we're delayed until you're done I guess. Mind sending us a ping when things complete? [10:12:22] Amir1: ^ can you do that? [10:12:37] sure thing [10:13:47] ok, thank you both [10:15:36] milimetric: the schema change is T298560 [10:15:36] T298560: Fix mismatching field type of revision.rev_timestamp on wmf wikis - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T298560 [10:18:06] thanks! [11:16:43] marostegui: btw this will mostly go away (deploying its fix rn) https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/04366c1cdee8974356f82c96e50abdaa [11:17:13] Ah good [15:51:21] Is https://sqlconjuror.com/mariadb-setup-gtid-replication-using-mariabackup/ a sensible guide for setting up a new replica based on existing MariaDB install or is there anything I should be aware of? [21:03:04] Amir1: I made https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T309738 to follow up on our discussion [21:11:48] Thank you so much milimetric ! [21:29:08] Amir1: do you know where bin logs are on a default mysql install? [21:29:39] On /srv/sqldata? [21:30:03] Usually/srv is the best place to start looking [21:30:09] Amir1: it has put normal tables in /var/lib/mysql [21:37:02] Amir1: interesting question, we've granted Phabricator the replication client privilege but it never notices that it has it. do you know why it might? [22:32:33] Amir1: i have it working, i haven't broken too much and cried yet about mariadb