[18:34:47] FYI s1 wiki replica is stalled: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T310325 [18:34:56] Not sure who can look/debug it [18:35:11] cool, my dry-run rclone sync runs in ~2h and would repl about 11GiB [18:35:50] the obvious person is pinged on that task [18:36:02] (the other obvious people are currently on leave) [18:36:20] ...but I suspect it'll be Monday now, unless it's urgent enough to p.age [18:37:47] I think technically we don't page for these just that it's going to be very annoying for wiki editors [18:38:17] I think that means Monday (I'm not the right sort of expert) then [20:28:05] legoktm: should something be dropped on the cloud list so people are aware that it's known [20:31:09] Emperor: wiki replicas are best effort so I wouldn't say it's worth loosing a weekend over [21:49:22] legoktm: FWIW, I'm sure it'll recover by monday [23:46:15] Amir1: ahh, I'll note to check orchestrator next time. ty!