[07:35:12] Amir.1: thanks, it looks like I can now move my repo; will co-ordinate with the puppet change on Monday :) [15:36:49] Amir1: is there any reasonable source of information on active schema maintenance that I could add to https://replag.toolforge.org/? [15:37:21] bd808: good point. Maybe https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Map_of_database_maintenance ? [15:38:13] oh excellent! Yeah let me think about how to work this into the UI [15:47:26] bd808: fwiw the s4 lag, it will finish in ten hours. if community is angry, can you point them to https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T310325#7996931? [15:49:32] Can do, yes. I don't know of anyone who has been particularly angry this time, but it's generally a thing that especially long term users come running to irc to ask about as years and years ago the replication was so unstable. [15:50:17] it is so much better these days that some folks also freak out as they are not used to a constant lag of a few hours :) [15:50:59] yeah, the thing is schema changes in large table take a lot of time and break replication for so long, but since they are large need schema changes more to reduce their size. It's a co-dependent combination [15:51:35] if we only had used a web-scale db like mongo ;) [15:51:41] lol [15:51:49] but it doesn't store the data :P [16:31:47] hmm, https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Map_of_database_maintenance seems to just display 'Login' as the title of private tasks.. :D [16:32:43] heh. I had noticed the strange title, but not connected that with why [16:41:38] Amir1's pywikibot script for generating the page avoids conduit and instead fetches https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/{task id} and then uses a regex (?!) to grab the resulting page's for display. </snooping> [16:42:26] <Amir1> bd808 taavi yup, let me get you the script [16:42:50] <Amir1> it's not nice but it works, I didn't want to do the token and all that dance just for grabbing titles [16:43:16] <Amir1> I can add a condition to make it something else instead of login [16:43:19] <bd808> *nod* I don't blame you [16:43:20] <Amir1> at the end, nbd [16:44:07] <Amir1> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/software/+/refs/heads/master/dbtools/db_maint_mapper_sal.py [16:44:23] <Amir1> The code, I wrote this I think in half a day, so sorry for the quality [16:44:53] <bd808> most pywikibot scripts are more about functionality than beauty :) [16:45:10] <Amir1> exactly [16:48:24] <bd808> adding another `.replace()` block there would be easy enough to make it say "Private task" or something. It would probably be a bit more work to ignore tasks that are private entirely. Since these are all parsed from SAL data already I'm not sure that's needed anyway. [16:50:24] <Amir1> yeah [22:40:36] <Platonides> imho it's better to know that there is something even if that isn't shown