[04:57:50] Amir1: can you double check if db1143 (the s4 host that broke a week ago) has all templatelink schema changes you did or anything else you've ran un the last week? [05:05:32] marostegui: morning. Sure [05:06:36] Amir1: I have moved it from the old master to the new one [05:06:45] thanks [05:07:01] do you know why this s3 lag errors are showing up^? [05:07:01] Amir1: I don't think I will be able to be present during the switchover. I will have my phone and my laptop next to me though [05:07:29] marostegui: thanks. The major part is the topology change, the actual switchover is quite straightforward [05:07:30] :D [05:07:32] Amir1: I was just checking: https://logstash.wikimedia.org/goto/5834b2f509fbd30b3ed6a99b5274b8b8 [05:14:40] it has the templatelinks schema change [05:14:50] cool! [05:15:08] btw, templatelinks drop in s4 is started, 220GB dropped https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?orgId=1&var-server=dbstore1007&var-datasource=thanos&var-cluster=wmcs&from=now-24h&to=now&viewPanel=28 [05:15:20] oh excellent! [05:15:29] jynus: ^ that might alert in backups' size [06:10:37] All our proxies have been rebooted [06:27:15] created next week's switchovers [06:27:22] (tickets) [07:49:30] not sure why, but es backups are failing short after starting :-( [07:51:13] the hosts haven't been recently restarted or upgraded [08:27:10] I will be doing a rolling restart of dbprovs in aproximatelly 1 h (when m2 backup finishes), unless you have any ongoing or planned recovery [08:39:18] Amir1: you can run the cx_corpora schema change on db2096 (old x1 master) [08:39:36] awesome on it [08:39:43] Amir1: and reboot it too [08:40:52] s8ure [09:59:26] I have switched over pc1 master, and now reverting as I have rebooted pc1011 already [10:00:10] Once done I will move pc1013 to pc3 [10:46:42] marostegui: db2096 has got the cx schema change, rebooted and repooled [10:49:24] :) [14:14:51] volans: to sumarize, there is nothing I want to touch about postgres dumps (yet), but fix the bacula side of things [14:15:24] although having a bit of better error handling on the one liner won't hurt [14:16:03] ack [14:16:26] if you check modules/postgresql/files/dump_all.sh I think you would agree with me :-D [14:19:22] can't right now, sorry, submerged by backlog emails [14:21:05] no problem, it almost just one line that says "/usr/bin/pg_dumpall | /bin/gzip > ${path}/psql-all-dbs-${date}.sql.gz" which is easy to improve [14:21:31] will add you as reviewer if you want [15:52:34] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ibjwdNog/wikimedia-relational-databases-2022.xml [15:53:03] loading it in draw.io gives nice results [15:53:23] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/NtImAuKw/image.png [15:53:59] I haven't figured out what to do with this many arrows, ideas are welcome