[08:02:35] is es2021's lack of power supply redundancy a known issue? [08:04:54] jynus: looks like it happened back in August, but was fixed then... T314559 [08:04:55] T314559: es2021 (B3) lost power supply redundancy - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T314559 [08:05:15] I think I will reopen that and stress the reocurrence [08:05:33] maybe a cable had to be adjusted but it doesn't fit well [08:21:28] Sounds like a plan :) [08:48:26] hi there! [08:48:54] have you ever tried client-side x509 TLS auth for mariadb as oppose to password logins? [08:49:58] this: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/securing-connections-for-client-and-server/#enabling-two-way-tls-for-mariadb-clients [08:53:16] I'm think about this in the context of wiki replicas DBs. They need credentials for toolforge tool account. Today we are using generated passwords, which forces us to share the password between the DB host (in production network) and toolforge hosts (in WMCS). A x509 based setup may simplify this a lot [08:53:34] only the CA could be need to be shared between the DB and toolforge hosts [08:53:42] see also T303663 [08:53:43] T303663: Split maintain-dbusers.py into two parts, one to run on cloudcontrol nodes and one to run on an NFS server VM - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T303663 [09:00:09] hi, I filed a task for `Unknown column 'cuc_private' in 'field list'` which we got when deploying 1.40.0-wmf.6 this morning (I rolled back) https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T321041 [09:00:18] might be due to some database change not being applied? [09:38:50] hashar: I just woke up, Manuel is ooo, adding the column gonna take a while, I suggest reverting the patch [09:47:45] Amir1: I see you on https://office.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons_Steering_Committee/Commons_skills_matrix - are you OK to be teh only data-persistence person there? Obviously Commons talks to swift, but I don't really have much to offer in terms of commons expertise right now (and I think that table stops just above swift itself, if you see what I mean) [09:49:28] yeah, don't worry :) feel free to ask me questions if you want to know more about wiki side of things [09:53:16] Thanks, I may well do at some point :) [11:28:01] Amir1: yeah we got the patch reverted ;)