[06:54:11] I am going to switchover pc2 masters during the day [08:00:02] Amir1: The scap backport # is so useful and easy, compared to all the steps we had to keep in mind for a scap deployment... [08:00:10] love it [08:01:14] marostegui: thank Ahmon :) [11:19:39] Amir1: do you know if php -ddisplay_errors=On /srv/mediawiki/multiversion/MWScript.php extensions/FlaggedRevs/maintenance/pruneRevData.php --wiki=dewiki --sleep=2 --prune --rev-age=31536000 --rev-num=5 --batch-size=1000 will refresh the config? [11:19:59] marostegui: I'm running it and I don't think so [11:20:02] I should fix it sigh [11:20:03] :( [11:20:07] can you reload it? [11:20:12] (fixed core, not extensions) [11:20:19] riiight [11:20:21] yup [11:20:23] on it [11:20:37] thanks [11:21:10] it went thru now, thanks [11:23:13] I restarted the script but also made this https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/FlaggedRevs/+/852149 [11:23:33] \o/ [11:23:34] thanks [11:24:07] We should hunt down each one of these. The biggest offender, Growth Experiments (refresh links recommendation) is fixed but there will be the long tail [11:24:25] Yeah, that one is always causing issues [11:24:43] s/is/was [11:24:52] :p [11:40:40] Going to disable writes on es4 [11:41:05] <3 monday es maintenance [11:41:15] sorry, wednesday [11:41:26] jynus: Shouldn't affect any backups :) [11:41:37] I was going to ping you before rebooting anything ;) [11:41:38] yeah, that is why I say it, wasn't being ironic [11:41:57] was trying to thank you for skipping tuesday!ยช [11:42:28] :) [11:57:02] awww long time no see old friend: insert into heartbeat (server_id) values (171966665) [12:00:11] jynus: so to confirm, ok to reboot es1020? [12:00:29] let me double check on sec [12:00:37] , one sec [12:01:16] yeah no rush [12:01:41] yep, confirmed, they finished correctly today at 5am UTC or so on both dcs [12:01:55] excellent, thank you