[10:17:26] pristine-tar 1.50 uploaded to unstable [10:17:52] nice [16:23:39] Emperor: this is likely the wrong time to be asking this question, but did you see https://go-team.pages.debian.net/workflow-changes.html ? [16:40:08] urandom: yeah, but the previous 1.53 upgrade was done with pristine-tar (and after that doc was written), and the "please upgrade" bug likewise blocked on pristine-tar. [16:40:41] I think I now have a list of the unpackaged dependencies for 1.60 (as well as those needing an update), and a rebased patch series [16:41:14] gotcha [16:41:58] yeah, when I updated the gocql packaging (my local repo only, atm), I noticed the same. That at least one upload had been made since that document. [16:42:50] so maybe not everyone is happy with those workflow changes [16:43:23] I'll see how good/bad dh-make-golang is tomorrow for the new dependencies [16:44:52] then drop the debian go folks an email asking for feedback / review. I presume they'll be up for getting a recent rclone into bookworm :) [16:46:32] I got a little stuck on gocql because recent versions depend on golang-github-pierrec-lz4.v4-dev, which is stuck in NEW because reasons [16:47:17] So I'm going to upload them to a component on apt.w.o, and then work on the upstream issues when I can (which unfortunately risks being "never" :() [16:47:45] urandom: ftpmaster availability reasons, or problems-with-distributability-reasons? [16:49:57] oh, the latter, I see from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1010648 [16:49:58] initially it seemed like there were some legit licensing reasons around test data, including a binary linux kernel without accompanying source, but I think it then devolved into whether a golang lz4 decompressor that was based on an asm reference implementation was an attempt at relicensing [16:50:46] which if true seems...well, wrong, but I haven't seen the original discussion [16:52:21] but yeah, I'm reluctant to let the issue at hand slip any further waiting on all of this, so I'll just put what I have up on apt.w.o and do what I can to help move that along as time permits [16:55:11] Heh, "The following packages will be upgraded: ...pristine-tar"