[07:16:47] I need to be afk for a bit. The script is running [08:33:51] I'm online and available to help today in case is required [08:58:30] thanks [10:22:42] Dutch Wikipedia has more than 1M rows in text table that should be in ES instead [10:48:56] wow [10:49:45] 7.5G text.ibd [13:55:02] Amir1: are you running the script on clouddb1021? [13:55:18] yeah, let me double check where is it rn [13:55:31] yeah, there's an disk space alert, which probably means it is altering something big [13:55:37] We still have 1.1T available [13:55:42] But just so you know [13:55:49] yeah, it's running alter on revision table everywhere [13:55:59] all the sections? [13:56:08] yeah, but in serial [13:56:11] ah ok [13:56:13] better [13:56:22] We should probably also recheck which tables can be compressed [13:56:23] right now it's on s6 (ruwiki) [13:56:27] And get some more space back [13:56:32] can you create a task for it? [13:56:43] sure [13:57:19] thanks [13:58:29] it'll have at least half a TB free by end of next week or so (dropping the revision_comment temp table) [13:58:46] ah that's perfect timing too [13:59:41] marostegui: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000377/host-overview?viewPanel=28&orgId=1&var-server=clouddb1021&var-datasource=thanos&var-cluster=wmcs&from=now-30d&to=now [13:59:50] I think there is some leftover from cloning somewhere [14:00:21] or binlogs that can be deleted? [14:01:59] I am deleting some [14:05:05] Thanks <3 [14:23:40] afk for a bit [17:53:36] I go afk for a bit. the script is running on 1017 and 1021