[07:29:12] urandom: FYI, restbase2018 ran into a kernel hang (stuck I/O which made commands like nodetool an generally everything which touched disk hang), I have powercycled the server and it's all recovered [07:30:12] this smells like the fallout from a hardware, but given the age of the server there's nothing to do I guess, so just as a note if this happens a second time we might just go ahead and decom it ahead of time [07:30:24] bought 4.5 years ago [10:37:08] do we maintain restbase? I think that's platform SREs [10:37:28] (I can be very wrong though) [13:38:14] moritzm: thanks! [13:38:25] Amir1: it's ours [13:38:57] ostensibly it is a Cassandra cluster, that just so happens to have a service co-located on it.... the latter is being worked on [13:39:02] oh good to know. Thanks