[09:05:58] Hi folks, could I get a +1 on https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/932803 please? enabling an object expirer host in eqiad (I did the same in codfw last week without drama) [09:30:39] done [09:31:20] TY :) [13:24:04] https://www.debian.org/releases/bookworm/amd64/release-notes/ch-information.en.html#mariadb-versionless-package-names [14:09:13] so the thing I am worried about is that one of the goals is starting to see how to upgrade to bookwork / python 3.11 but I have a dependency on mariadb packages upgrade, and not sure how to solve that (not that I need those now, but I will need those eventually). My guess is mariadb work upgrade will have the same problem, not just me [14:13:42] with mariadb packages I mean packages related to mariadb, not the mariadb server or client packages manuel started to work on [14:14:31] we use our own packages because we want different versions to what ships in stock Debian, and becuase we have our own init scripts, yes? [18:56:31] mutante: let me fix the grants for that specific host [18:57:39] marostegui: thanks! is it port 3323 or default or another one? [18:58:06] 3306 [18:58:07] the default [18:59:25] mutante: try now again for that user [18:59:33] phuser I mean [18:59:59] marostegui: it works now:) thank you [19:00:04] excellent [19:00:11] I think we are good with thi [19:00:19] no need to care about the other "lesser" users [19:00:22] like phstats [19:00:32] this is the "application user" [19:00:32] mutante: up to you, I can fix those if you need me to [19:01:16] marostegui: dont think we need it, if we do I will ask you. the other users are just a subset that has a limited set of databases.. while this has them a [19:01:19] all [19:01:39] now what I want to do is.. use mysqldump to dump the schema only [19:01:44] cool [19:01:50] yeah, phuser has access to `phabricator%` [19:01:52] then we run the phab->phorge upgrade.. i repeat that dump [19:02:07] then I run a diff of the dump files.. and voila.. proof that it changed or did not change [19:02:11] that is the plan [19:02:18] mutante: I can do the mysqldump for you if you want [19:03:44] marostegui: I won't say no to that offer:) so the option I wanted was to skip the actual data content.. dump only the table structures.. but for all the phab databases [19:03:58] I remember that we should NOT run mysql dump on prod databases without asking DBA..right [19:04:04] yeah [19:04:11] all databases? [19:04:16] but this is not prod.. so .. I can too [19:04:22] yea, all the phabricator DBs [19:05:28] -B, --databases Dump several databases. Note the difference in usage; in [19:05:31] this case no tables are given. All name arguments are [19:05:34] regarded as database names. [19:06:19] and -d to skip the data? [19:06:53] mutante: you have them all at: root@cumin1001:/home/marostegui/phabricator# [19:07:27] Have fun with them :p [19:07:28] marostegui: you are the best, I see them:) [19:07:46] I will save them somewhere so we can repeat this exact command at a later time [19:08:02] mutante: in case you need them, this is what I ran from cumin1001: for i in `db-mysql db1118 -e "show databases" | grep phab`; do echo $i ; mysqldump --host db1118.eqiad.wmnet --no-data --ssl-verify-server-cert $i > $i.sql; done [19:08:13] marostegui: :) perfect [19:08:20] I am saving that with the files, heh [19:08:26] Cool [19:08:30] Enjoy! i am going off [19:08:45] enjoy, good night