[07:20:31] jynus: lots of backup hosts are on warning for disk space, probably not an emergency, but just letting you know in case you're not aware [09:45:26] thanks, time to increase their logic volume [12:12:56] marostegui: alerts should be done by now on backup1* hosts, waiting a bit to do codfw too [12:13:05] s/done/gone/ [12:13:05] cool thanks :) [12:13:21] thanks to you to notice that, it helped me a lot! [12:13:38] I sometimes ignore warnings [12:13:51] Yeah don't worry, I am oncall so :) [12:20:57] sorry to hear that :-D [14:10:37] Emperor: this has been the graph for mediabackups, it has like accelerated in july: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/goto/lPLg9434z?orgId=1 [14:30:53] Amir1 jynus can someone create a task for the blobs_clusterXX deployment? So we can discuss some details there? [14:34:37] @ meeting [14:35:44] no rush [14:43:23] guys, in case you haven't completed the engagement and inclusion survey, please do [15:43:43] will do