[06:37:38] This is being fun https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P52505 XD [06:38:52] https://media.tenor.com/gTg8ZSZMR6YAAAAC/scaler-create-impact.gif [07:34:58] db1128 failed again? Or at least I think it crashed? but it has 10.4? [07:37:41] Yeah, I have been debuging it now with Marko [07:37:44] I think we know what it is [07:41:49] did you see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T346233#9163481 ? I was told it was you who asked for it. [07:42:18] I asked for a way to report when it'd be time to create more tables [07:42:28] I didn't mind which way we decide how to measure it, so that's cool [07:42:42] I don't want to end forgetting about when we need to create new tables [07:42:55] So if long running backups is the unit we want to use to measure when that time has arrived, that's cool with me! [07:43:19] yeah, so I was asking if that seemed reasonable- that was will also help me for my work [07:43:30] *that way [07:43:45] yeah, that works for me. Maybe just add a message so we don't forget that it is about that it might be time to create new tables [07:43:56] Otherwise imagine in 2 years we receive that message and we'd be like: what is this for? [07:44:01] yeah, of course, text is not final [07:44:07] great! [07:54:52] have fun debugging that :D [08:52:08] moritzm: we can't do any db maint anymore until a couple of days after switchover so if you want to reboot cumin1001, that's your chance :P [08:52:47] oh, thanks for the hint! [08:53:16] jynus: would a cumin1001 reboot today work for backups and if so, at what time? [08:53:30] let me make sure they had finished [08:53:55] they have indeed, so green light for me [08:57:55] ack, thanks. I'll check what else is currently running there and will sync with the -sre channeƶ [09:48:10] multi master is now enabled everywhere [10:02:13] ok to reboot dborch1001 now? [10:02:24] yeah [10:05:51] reboot all the things [10:07:58] I'll wait a bit until the current parsoid thing has calmed down [10:14:03] going ahead in 5m [10:27:05] Orchestrator is back [10:27:12] excellent! [10:49:57] wow pagelinks in enwiki is 169GB [10:56:53] yup. it will be less than half in a couple of months :D [12:42:07] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T345509#9166433 [12:54:53] ouch [12:58:21] And sometimes people wonder we we test so much... [12:58:29] *why [13:03:24] marostegui: do you want me to run optimize table on all tables in all replicas? [13:03:34] it's gonna take a while but doable [13:05:09] no, let's not do that for now [13:05:22] noted [13:05:54] maybe we can on candidate masters though