[06:35:01] I am about to failover m5-master [10:54:52] hm I stumbled upon this on db2118: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/f6jOISr0/ [10:55:37] marostegui: Amir1 I'm not sure how to handle the situation here [10:57:06] # db-mysql db2118 [10:57:06] ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: self signed certificate in certificate chain [10:57:08] interesting [10:57:30] it went OK on eqiad [10:57:39] puppet 5 v 7 thing? [10:57:44] oh maybe [10:57:52] Emperor: yep, looks so [10:58:11] basically we cannot connect to any host [10:59:49] I'll retry when the change is reverted as the change is idempotent (thankfully) [11:00:01] AFAIAA puppet 5 and puppet 7 have different CAs so some hassle is involved if you need to use both [12:58:01] I have to afk for about 30/40min! still reachable on IRC, I've got irccloud on my phone :) [13:45:35] back!