[13:12:15] hey, I'll be afk this afternoon I'm not feeling too well [13:12:47] :( GWS! [16:21:07] I can't believe this bug isn't fixed yet [16:21:08] https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-12572 [16:21:12] I am going to comment on it [16:23:33] is it just the syntax or is the algorithm not supported? [16:24:05] the syntax, cause removing an index in place works fine with alter table [16:24:34] interesting because mariadb was all about unifying the syntax a few versions ago [16:24:56] (the IF EXISTS, etc.) [16:26:47] yeah, I was issuing a drop index if exists and I started to see the table locked and I was like :wtf? [16:26:50] And found that [17:14:05] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/yUBtwBzn/ [17:14:21] we probably can run the img_id schema change with replication everywhere except s4 [17:15:22] (we can also set the whole cluster RO too) [17:19:29] yeah, those sizes look relatively okay [17:43:44] We really need to get better at keep tracking of all the depooled hosts. [17:45:36] There are hosts there which have been depooled like 20 days ago [17:45:44] And never got repooled [17:45:45] :( [17:46:29] I am going to start repooling them, I see no reason why they are depooled [17:47:50] you know, you could add a check :-P [17:49:17] * volans hides as this was a low one