[08:05:43] Amir1: thanks, running the schema change, will step by to repool it! [08:06:24] arnaudb: which host needs repooling? [08:06:44] I can do it if you tell me which one is it [08:13:16] oh thanks marostegui ! it's db1157 [08:13:58] there is a tmux session of mine on cumin1002 with the schema change going on in a pane :) [08:19:30] arnaudb: so what is needed? [09:03:18] its repooling marostegui ! I was upgrading my workstation so I figured eh :D [09:03:33] ah cool! [09:03:58] anyway, leaving for vacations now :D see you! [09:05:08] enjoy!! [13:47:49] marostegui, arnaudb: neither of you are vacationing correctly :) [13:48:16] whoops... I really should have fixed those nicks so as not to ping [13:48:20] apologies [13:48:47] urandom: I am working today :) [13:48:58] :( [13:49:12] are you channeling your inner american? [13:49:44] oh wait, I remember you mentioned this... [13:50:12] your inner american XDDDDDD [13:56:15] lol