[04:42:23] I am going to start switching s8 eqiad primary [05:22:10] Done [08:36:04] arnaudb: can you schedule s1 primary switchover for next week? maybe tuesday? [08:37:08] sure! [08:38:13] thanks! [08:38:18] that way we can finish the mariadb upgrades [08:38:22] marostegui: it triggers a 500 error while trying to schedule for s1 eqiad → I think it's due to a hieradata issue [08:38:37] arnaudb: it is because the candidate master is depooled now, due to schema change [08:38:42] I will let you know when it is back in the pool [08:39:05] ack, thanks, will put a placeholder instead of a ticket id [08:45:43] I am going to reimage db1215 - zarcillo [08:45:48] There will be some prometheus alerts [08:46:01] 😱 [09:07:37] will go for T366241 [09:07:37] T366241: Switchover s2 master (db2207 -> db2204) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T366241 [09:07:47] good [09:10:33] uh not a good idea, Amir1 was running a schema change :/ [09:11:03] oh and zarcillo is down haha [09:12:14] anyway, it failed on the first host of the pool which was depooled https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P63657 [09:12:29] I'll revert the candidate master's former weight [09:13:43] Ok [09:13:54] Double check orchestrator to make sure everything is ok [09:14:18] orchestrator depends on zarcillo's db [09:14:26] which is currently unavailable [09:14:30] https://orchestrator.wikimedia.org/web/cluster/alias/s2 [09:16:21] yeah [09:16:45] ah yes I forgot haha [09:16:59] It is coming back now [09:16:59] I'm running a schema change on s2 and it will take until Monday or so [09:17:19] marostegui: you know the drill at this point, when I can have some private time with the old s8 master? [09:17:25] Amir1: nope [09:17:29] Amir1: Probably not till tomorrow [09:17:36] 💔 [09:18:02] zarcillo is back [09:18:42] Thanks [09:18:57] did everything work about the switchover with the new replication user? [09:19:09] yeah all fine [09:19:32] \o/ [09:21:29] I'll go for T366242 then x) [09:21:32] T366242: Switchover s3 master (db2205 -> db2127) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T366242 [09:21:40] ok [09:52:37] arnaudb: let me know when I can operate the old s3 codfw master :) [09:53:18] sure, will run my schema update just before, its short! [09:53:27] yeah no worries, just when you are done let me know [09:53:32] sure [09:53:54] I have schema changes too, let me know :D [09:54:01] Amir1: get in the queue [09:54:23] no it's a stack, LIFO [09:54:46] You wish [09:54:54] xD [09:55:31] arnaudb: s1 candidate is now being repooled, so SwitchOver web should be working again if you want to generate s1 eqiad primary switchover ticket and patches [09:57:18] thanks! [10:38:45] arnaudb: you done with it? [10:39:10] oh sorry I forgot to hl you, yes i am! [10:39:18] thanks I will take it [13:46:18] afk for about 25min :) [14:14:16] back