[08:35:27] hello folks! I have a very stupid question to task, since it has been a while since I've accessed a db - I'd need to insert a few rows in the debmonitor's src_packages_os table on m2-master for https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/software/debmonitor-client/+/1043780 [08:36:00] At the moment I went to dbproxy1025, checked the haproxy config and found db1195 as primary [08:36:31] from there I would just `mysql` and the insert the rows, would it be ok? [08:36:53] Long term these new values that I am inserting will be fully added to the debmonitor server [08:43:00] elukey: yep, it should be ok. Mind you could also run from cumin with `sudo db-mysql ` [08:43:35] elukey: maybe ensure there is a recent backup first [08:44:58] TIL db-mysql thanks! [08:46:29] arnaudb: when I try the tool on cumin1002 I get a TLS verification failed, is it known? [08:47:49] can't reproduce: arnaudb@cumin1002:~ $ sudo db-mysql db1195 Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. [08:48:06] maybe you used the full fqdn [08:48:17] ahhh okok sorry I thought I could use m2-master directly, nevermind [08:48:21] ah! [08:49:12] not sure if it's supposed to be supported or not, might want to wait and ask A.mir1 about this, he probably knows more than me [08:49:48] s/probably// [13:30:23] I'm going to be slightly delayed to our team meeting, as my browser seems to not want to play ball with google meet. Again. [13:31:21] Emperor: it's been cancelled [13:31:49] it's like...it *knew* :) [13:32:03] urandom: Hm, kwakuofori was suggesting just now it was un-cancelled [13:32:08] oh! [13:32:18] * urandom is very confused [13:33:33] it's cancelled. i was checking to almost the last minute and therefore slighly delayed. sorry fro the confusion [13:34:00] slighty... for... [13:36:43] OK