[07:18:42] 🎉 thanks vola.ns :) on it [11:27:13] Emperor: I'm having a look at adapting the sre.swift.convert-disks for https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T358489 and I'm wondering about the umount step. Since we're going to be reimaging the servers anyways, do the redfish raid change commands require the partitions to be unmounted? [11:27:41] claime: Emper0r is out today [11:27:47] oh mb [11:28:04] claime: per our team doc, they should be back 7th [11:28:14] so, Monday 8th [11:28:16] it's all right, nothing pressing [11:28:26] thanks for the info [11:28:29] np! [11:37:41] just fyi I see ms-fe1014 is flapping a bit and we just hit a backend error for local-swift-eqiad when transcoding video files in mw