[07:04:13] upgrading and rebuilding tables at db2200 [08:02:23] going to the dentist, will return soon [09:53:12] back, will rebuild db2198 now [12:38:30] being multi-instance and compressed, table rebuildings will take quite a lot- specially as I had to extend it to other tables that had some warnings [12:38:58] I will leave the process running for the weekend and extend the downtime until monday or tuesday [12:51:06] :( [12:51:38] why sad? [12:51:53] :-) [12:52:20] it'll take a long :D [12:54:04] you think that's long? Let me tell you about draining swift nodes :p [13:03:28] Emperor: https://i.imgflip.com/9kzynk.jpg [13:09:22] ;p [13:45:20] Amir1: I am guessing db2230 is a mariadb package test. Can I set it to rw, or it is read only for a reason? [13:48:27] jynus: it's in test-s4? It looks like it, do whatever you want [13:48:42] yes [13:49:00] I didn't update it, though. I am guessing manuel did [13:49:28] but maybe you knew the details, or federico3 did [13:50:52] I guess Manuel, I did not touch db2230 [13:51:05] yes, according to last [13:55:17] I see db2185 has the opposite issue, but I will wait until next week to ask manuel, as that has been like that for longer, and maybe there is a good reason [13:55:57] (I am trying to cleanup D.P. Red status) [15:41:22] at least our alerts.wm.org page is clean :) [15:42:12] well, I did my part killing -9 a couple databases, what did you do, Emperor ? LUL [15:42:39] (see SAL for context) [16:48:41] https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/tox/4477/console [16:48:52] OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/tmp/tmp5u8fo6p9' <-- nice :) [16:54:29] federico3: comment "recheck" and it should redo it for you [17:30:04] Amir1: recheck [17:30:18] 😏 [17:34:36] 🐟 [17:41:24] 😅😅 [18:16:21] Amir1: I'm aware of recheck, thanks, but I was wondering if the buildbot was broken... luckily it recovered [18:16:47] there is always random failures