[03:13:33] 06Fundraising-Backlog: Annual Recurring as Post-Payment Option - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368155#9915557 (10MSuijkerbuijk_WMF) @Ejegg Yes, we need to offer both annual and monthly at the same time, as well as 'No thanks', and we will ideally test several variants. For now, we want to test the one share... [07:38:24] Interesting figures on conversion rate in complicated CTAs «“In 2020, Swift collaborated with Vote.org to encourage voter registration among young people through her Instagram, where she has 272 million followers,” Singleton said. “From these followers, Vote.org registered 35,000 people — a mere 0.0129 percent of her total followers.» [07:38:29] https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4734062-trump-taylor-swift-endorsement/ [07:44:31] The mentioned percentage is nonsense (at a minimum you should exclude non-USA followers) but the absolute amount is curious. The English Wikipedia has about 90k new registered users per month.