[00:02:38] hmm - so the new jobs seem to be taking too long [00:05:10] trying to increase the time out for re_snooze - not sure re the activity one fail [00:06:45] hopefully that is a bit quieter [00:06:48] !log config revision changed from f86e46bb to b1f34373 [00:06:50] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Server_Admin_Log [00:14:31] eileen: let me know when you are settled down with the process-control changes. i'd like to update the frmx balance but don't want to cross the streams with changes. [00:18:29] dwisehaupt: go for it - I'm only responding to fail mail now & tweaking & if it gets annoying they can just be disabled again.... [00:20:20] ok cool, with the failover code i could do it live, but it always seems nicer to drain the traffic off. [00:44:54] Hmm, we still get failMail for timeout, should we keep increase the timeout? [00:45:18] Oh never mind it quite [00:49:31] just updated to 40 see if still timeout, if so will turn it off [00:58:35] thanks wfan looks like both the activity one & the snooze one sometimes exceed their time out - the activity one does because sometimes it downloads a new file - which is slow - I guess we could ramp it up to 20 - 40 mins and run way less often. [00:59:31] (away for 20-30 mins - if you want to tweak timing consider it +2d by me - or I take a look shortly) [01:02:32] Ok good to know and thanks eileen :) [01:39:37] !log config revision changed from fba21538 to b41ed54d [01:39:38] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Server_Admin_Log [01:39:45] ok - I bumped up the time out... [01:39:52] it will slow it down but fine [03:48:14] For weeks now I've seen this URL circulate and come up again and again when people talk about donating to Wikipedia: https://donate.wikimedia.org/w/index.php [03:48:51] It seems to not go where people expect. It's going to foundationwiki Home page. [03:49:12] Not sure where people get it from, or if it's always behaved this way, but might be worth fixing. [03:49:37] Latest example: https://neerlandistiek.nl/2025/01/leve-wikipedia/ (last paragraph) [03:50:58] https://donate.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Mainpage contains wmf:Home [03:51:26] So that explains where bare index.php goes, as MW default to the Main Page when no title is set [03:52:44] Perhaps Special:FundraiserRedirector would make for a better value there. That's where / goes first, according to https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/puppet/+/ed968cd5721038ced10179724f706207ef31a6e2/hieradata/common/mediawiki.yaml#121 [03:54:15] The current wmf:Home is especially unusable on mobile (on desktop the donate button can be found relatively easily) [03:55:40] Perhaps someone with edit access on donatewiki could try that! From a MW standpoint, we support special pages as the main page, no problem. /cc pcoombe [05:31:22] (03CR) 10CI reject: [V:04-1] build: Updating stylelint-config-wikimedia to 0.18.0 [extensions/FundraisingEmailUnsubscribe] - 10https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/1109879 (owner: 10Libraryupgrader)