[07:26:20] <_joe_> jelto: for the record, the right way to get the result I wanted is [07:26:22] <_joe_> $ curl https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/api/graphql --request POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"query": "query {project(fullPath: \"repos/sre/vopsbot\") {id} }"}' [07:27:08] <_joe_> did I ever mention how silly graphql is? [08:12:18] _joe_ thanks for sharing the solution! And I relate to that. I also had to use GitLabs graphql because the endpoint I needed was not available in the standard api. [12:02:52] 10GitLab, 10serviceops, 10serviceops-collab: Configure a default cleanup policy for GitLab package registry - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T315877 (10Jelto) [12:04:55] 10GitLab (Infrastructure), 10Data-Persistence-Backup, 10serviceops, 10serviceops-collab, and 2 others: Backups for GitLab - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T274463 (10Jelto) While doing some research about GitLab disk space usage I found some projects which use significantly more disk space. Most of the...