[13:19:29] Hello! I'm trying to set a variable, in particular a secret variable, for a pipeline in gitlab, https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#add-a-cicd-variable-to-a-project suggests there should be a "Variables" section under "CI/CD" though I'm seeing Pipelines, Editor, Jobs, and Schedules though not Variables. Where might I be able to set a variable? [13:30:34] 10GitLab (Infrastructure), 10Data-Persistence-Backup, 10serviceops, 10serviceops-collab, 10User-brennen: Setup partial backups for GitLab - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T316935 (10Jelto) [13:35:40] 10GitLab (Infrastructure), 10Data-Persistence-Backup, 10serviceops, 10serviceops-collab, 10User-brennen: Setup partial backups for GitLab - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T316935 (10Jelto) p:05Triage→03Medium [13:38:20] Rook: You can add CI variables/secrets under Settings > CI/CD > Variables. So you have to click on Settings first [13:38:50] Ah, thank you! [14:04:37] Are we able to build a docker image in a gitlab runner? [15:45:24] Yes, but for the time being you have to use a tool like kaniko to achieve that (because runners themselves are running in docker, and docker-in-docker gets complicated) [15:49:47] alrighty, I'll give that a try. Thanks! [16:40:40] Are we hosting a kaniko image somewhere? I'm getting `"gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.9.0-debug" image is not present on list of allowed images` followed by a list that, indeed, does not contain gcr.io [19:26:52] hrmm.. I forgot about that restriction. [19:27:14] I don't think we have a local mirror of that repo. [19:41:20] fair enough, thanks!