[09:12:58] Thanks for adding `T362050` bug links support to the MR descriptions! (to all involved xd) [09:12:58] T362050: toolforge: review pod templates for PSP replacement - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362050 [22:44:48] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/GitLab/Workflows/Making_a_merge_request#Fork_the_repository should probably mention something about namespaces [22:52:46] AntiComposite: what did you have in mind? typically for this workflow people are forking to their own account... [22:53:14] yeah, mentioning that you should select your account name in the dropdown if there's multiple options [22:54:09] ah, yeah, makes sense [22:54:27] i haven't done this much lately but i see that it doesn't default to the user's namespace and if you have access to a bunch of stuff that can be way down the list. [22:54:34] I don't know when/for whom that dropdown appears or I'd edit it myself [22:57:30] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=GitLab%2FWorkflows%2FMaking_a_merge_request&diff=6603222&oldid=6539701 [22:57:42] ^ a first attempt. feel free to tweak. [23:16:26] forking being step #5 there was surprising to me. I guess I would have written it as step #1 instead with a "oh, you can skip this if you are a l33t h4x0r with direct access to the repo." [23:18:31] * bd808 is not concerned enough to rework the whole thing at the moment [23:24:49] yeah it's a little weird now that i go back and look at it. [23:38:53] yeah it works in that direction, and I usually prefer having my fork as a seperate remote so I don't need to remember to update it, but it's not particularly intuitive