[10:42:11] [telegram] <বোধিসত্ত্ব> Is there a way to know which of the wikilinks are clicked most on a wiki? [12:04:48] [telegram] speaking of main pages, will the problem with multilingual wikis having broken main pages in every language that hasn't explicitly overridden the page name ever be fixed? [14:03:18] [telegram] What's a specific example for this? [14:03:57] [telegram] There's the Pageviews tool on Toolforge. (re @বোধিসত্ত্ব: Is there a way to know which of the wikilinks are clicked most on a wiki?) [15:50:39] there's also https://wikinav.toolforge.org/ [16:27:05] [telegram] was that question for me? if so, https://commons.wikimedia.org/?uselang=ha doesn't exist, https://commons.wikimedia.org/?uselang=gn shows you the page about apes (re @andreklapper: What's a specific example for this?) [16:28:17] [telegram] (hm, also, why does that first one say “this entity does not exist” 🤔) [16:30:20] [telegram] ah, that seems to be because Wikibase is mistakenly showing the wikibase-noentity message for missing pages, and someone decided to hide the error by overriding the English version of the message so it talks about pages again, but all other languages still get the confusing wrong message… [16:30:28] [telegram] *files a task* [16:38:40] Main page translation is a mess in several different ways, and is unlikely to change significantly until/unless the Translate extension has a better page protection implementation [16:39:26] [telegram] filed T296572 for the wikibase-noentity thing