[14:53:18] [telegram] Hi, I'd recommend asking on the Talk page, as thus seems unrelated to Hackathobs. Thanks! (re @Jwale: Hi everyone, good day, I'll like to find out if from the team or organizers of the coolest tool award, if I could get a short re...) [15:38:48] hi [22:39:11] [telegram] I am not really sure why you are now enforcing relevance to hackathons now. This group was a de facto general technical group when there wasn't a hackathon happening for years. Although in this case perhaps the talk page is indeed a better way to reach the right people (re @andreklapper: Hi, I'd recommend asking on the Talk page, as thus seems unrelated to Hackathobs. Thanks!) [22:40:13] [telegram] +1 to Base (and welcome back, esteemed bugwrangler!) [22:53:33] [telegram] Just a note that proposal phase for community wishlist has started: please make use of it! [22:53:33] [telegram] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2022