[04:17:32] [telegram] There was no error message. It was just opening the same content translation starting page with English article name (re @amire80: I need more details about what didn't work exactly. What happened? Did he see an error message?) [05:04:05] [telegram] I'll continue in private (re @Pavanaja: There was no error message. It was just opening the same content translation starting page with English article name) [10:29:45] [telegram] Hello all, is there any wiki data based web tool, for displaying catelog of books online? [10:30:36] [telegram] We are collecting books metadata for Tamil language. Like to know how display them after adding them to wikidata [11:07:20] [telegram] inventaire.io goes in that direction, at least: e.g. https://inventaire.io/entity/wd:Q54166669 [11:07:39] [telegram] though it also has its own database