[09:49:12] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/70e5c061/file_11720.jpg [09:49:46] [telegram] Have you visited linked help page? (re @amire80: ) [09:50:16] [telegram] I know about global IP block exemption. 9 have another question. [09:50:39] [telegram] Does this mean that a user account is blocked or an IP address? [09:51:19] [telegram] Having some MediaWiki experience, I'd say that it's IP, but this text is misleading. [09:51:53] [telegram] depends on block, I would expect proxy blocks to not include that option (re @amire80: Does this mean that a user account is blocked or an IP address?) [09:53:18] [telegram] I'm too busy with children in pandemic lockdown to take a closer look at this, but it's the second time I see such a thing in the last couple of days. I'm not the one being blocked, but other editors who ask me for help. I try to help to the best of my ability. [09:54:27] [telegram] I suspect that there's a bug somewhere. This UI is especially confusing and discouraging, and it happens a lot lately. Can anyone here at least check whether it's it in MobileFrontend or in local customization on Meta? [09:55:06] [telegram] I'd expect it to say something like "Your IP address has been blocked" and not "You have been blocked". [09:55:25] [telegram] (Thanks in advance.) [11:37:35] [telegram] this is what I get on en.wiktionary.org with the mobile and desktop ui on the same page in the same browser (I don't get blocked on meta it seems, but I think it answers your question anyway) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/0292f91f/file_11728.jpg [11:37:36] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/b712749c/file_11729.jpg [11:40:07] [telegram] Hello [11:47:31] [telegram] This might explain why people are usually clueless :( (re @Nikki: ) [12:03:41] [telegram] Thank you. Can anyone please report a bug about it? I'd usually do it myself, but I am extremely busy with family today. [12:06:28] [telegram] The most immediate problem I see is the confusing message that says "You" instead of "Your IP address", and doesn't show the IP, which would be useful for granting global IP exemption, for example. (Actually, it should not be, but stewards tend to ask for this...) [12:06:31] [telegram] There are a lot of things to fix around this problem, but this one is the most immediate. [14:15:56] [telegram] Greetings!! [14:15:57] [telegram] I am a new developer here. [14:15:58] [telegram] Can anyone help me here with Wikimedia Library-Card-Platform project? [14:16:00] [telegram] Thanks and regards. [14:23:50] Ankit18gupta: Hi and welcome, do you have a specific question? Please also see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/New_Developers#Some_general_communication_tips - thanks. [14:29:16] [telegram] A bit unrelated, but I think you might want to know about this: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Configure_a_Wikiset_to_opt_out_fawiki_from_GIBPE it is an illustration how rather strict approach on stewards' part from your perspective is seen as very lax from some communities' perspective (re @amire80: The most immediate problem I see is the confusing message that says "You" inst [14:35:23] [telegram] Yeah, I know that there are countries (and languages?) where issues with IP addresses, proxies, VPNs, etc. have implications on censorship, politics, personal safety, and so on. I don't have anything to say about this and I trust people who know the situation better. (re @Thecladis: A bit unrelated, but I think you might want to know about this: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#C.. [14:36:27] [telegram] In the places I normally deal with, it's usually a matter of unfortunate configuration, which happened for some technical or economic reasons, and nor a matter of privacy, censorship, or politics. Do correct me if I'm wrong. [20:53:41] [telegram] A newcоmеr tо сryptocurrency аlwаys еarns 3X-4X and then lоses еvеrуthing. Оnly whаles alwауs mаke money. Sо thе best stratеgy is tо fоllоw аnothеr whalе [20:53:42] [telegram] I used thеir рrеdiсtions fоr two mоnths, and whаle wаs thе cооlest. But therе is nо magiс herе. He has inside informаtion about Bitfineх. And ВFХ is Tether, аnd аll рumps сannot be mаde without Tethеr. [20:53:43] [telegram] Hе is thе оnly one who рrеdicted thе rесent fаll of BTС. [20:53:45] [telegram] Tо find а link tо chаnnеl, visit ВigОcеаnWhаle [20:53:46] [telegram] оn Tеlegrаm (/соpy/pastе "ВigОceanWhаle" into a Telеgram searсh). [20:53:48] [telegram] I'vе tried mаny signаls befоrе аnd the suссess rаtе hаs bееn around 2o-3о%. Нis signаls wоrk 95% оf thе timе. [20:53:49] [telegram] I startеd trаding with о.45 ВTC аnd now hаvе about 2.18 ВTС using his signals. I don't knоw hоw muсh hе will sharе his insider infоrmation, but his signаls wоrk wеll..