[13:29:22] [telegram] Anyone help in creating website like Wikipedia wikihow [17:33:53] @ROOPKUNAL: wikihow is not a Wikimedia project, but they do use some forked version of MediaWiki according to https://www.wikihow.com/wikiHow:Powered-and-Inspired-by-MediaWiki [17:34:42] [telegram] Yes [17:37:18] [telegram] Can you help me in creating website like Wikipedia (re @wmtelegram_bot: [irc] @ROOPKUNAL: wikihow is not a Wikimedia project, but they do use some forked version of MediaWiki according to http...) [17:43:32] [telegram] you probably want to install MediaWiki: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:What_is_MediaWiki%3F (re @ROOPKUNAL: Can you help me in creating website like Wikipedia) [17:44:19] [telegram] Can you help in this [17:45:29] [telegram] I can answer some questions, but I have no time to help you much [18:56:56] [telegram] Hi [18:56:57] [telegram] Please get me toturial for create extension in mediawiki except doc mediawiki [18:58:47] [telegram] There is not good toturial for structure of file data flow mediawiki or create extension [18:58:48] [telegram] Easy for toturial [18:59:12] [telegram] https://t.me/joinchat/FDrsqW5nPpw5MDQ0 [19:31:40] [telegram] Please help me [19:37:18] [telegram] Sorry but "create extension in mediawiki except doc mediawiki" does not really make sense. [19:37:19] [telegram] Note that you need experience with programming at level higher than "hello world" [19:38:58] [telegram] Well, a hello world extension is not difficult to make xD [19:39:33] [telegram] Any site except mediawiki [19:39:34] [telegram] Because docs in mediawiki is not good and easy learn (re @matkoniecz: Sorry but "create extension in mediawiki except doc mediawiki" does not really make sense. [19:39:36] [telegram] Note that you need experience with p...) [19:42:10] [telegram] Where is structure files mediawiki for develop ? (re @matkoniecz: Sorry but "create extension in mediawiki except doc mediawiki" does not really make sense. [19:42:10] [telegram] Note that you need experience with p...) [19:46:01] [telegram] What or Where is structure files mediawiki for develop ? [19:46:01] [telegram] For example have not structure of files for data flow [19:46:03] [telegram] And also which one file is primary or... [19:46:04] [telegram] Like as many site that have toturial for laravel or wordpress or symfony [19:46:06] [telegram] Mediawiki haven't toturial for beginners (re @Thecladis: Well, a hello world extension is not difficult to make xD) [19:47:47] [telegram] Have you seen https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker ? (re @M: What or Where is structure files mediawiki for develop ? [19:47:48] [telegram] For example have not structure of files for data flow [19:47:49] [telegram] And also which...) [19:48:34] [telegram] If you have and all the linked pages and they are not useful for you then I don't have much what to offer except for perhaps just install mediawiki and figure stuff out directly by reading the code [22:02:13] [telegram] Thanks , now , where are main files for understand dfd of system file mediawiki (re @Thecladis: Have you seen https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker ?) [22:08:33] [telegram] Sorry why you blocked me? [22:08:34] [telegram] You have problem with me? (re @matkoniecz: Sorry but "create extension in mediawiki except doc mediawiki" does not really make sense. [22:08:36] [telegram] Note that you need experience with p...) [22:21:55] [telegram] One of the pages linked from that page, in bold in fact, is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:MediaWiki_architecture : have you checked it? (re @M: Thanks , now , where are main files for understand dfd of system file mediawiki?)