[11:20:14] [telegram] Hello everyone, if you are from crypto field and know about trading, I have a good job offer for you.Don't miss the chance , join my private chat. [13:18:31] [telegram] Hello everyone, if you are from crypto field and know about trading, I have a good job offer for you.Don't miss the chance , join my private chat. [13:22:14] lol [13:47:32] [telegram] Looking for to USDT to sell from your wallet! Well, is that so! I'll pay for that with high % for you! Contact me if you're interested [17:17:10] Looks funny on this side with all the spam being around for good xD [18:03:05] [telegram] Hello everyone [19:31:39] Hello will there be this year a virual Wikimedia Hackathon. I participated in the last two years and I am interested in participating when the event happens. [19:35:10] it hasn't been announced yet [19:37:03] (which means it'll probably be online) [20:02:05] [telegram] @lucaswerkmeister do you know if the SDC dumps are supposed to be the same format as https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/M76.json ? [20:02:36] [telegram] Several of the page related fields seem to be missing in the dump [20:02:47] [telegram] not sure, I think the Wikidata dumps also have minor differences between EntityData and dump JSON? [20:03:12] [telegram] though I think we reduced some of those differences over time, I think it used to be that some hashes were in one but not the other and that eventually got harmonized [20:03:17] [telegram] I'm looking at /mnt/nfs/dumps-labstore1006.wikimedia.org/commonswiki/entities $ zcat latest-mediainfo.json.gz | head -2 [20:03:56] [telegram] And things like title, modified, are missing, but it does contain the lastrevid [20:04:27] [telegram] Triggered by the question at [20:04:30] [telegram] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons_talk:Structured_data#Commons_entities_dump_-_how_to_know_for_which_file_it_is? [20:07:39] [telegram] I think that’s actually the same for items? [20:07:52] [telegram] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityData/Q31.json has ns but zcat /mnt/nfs/dumps-labstore1006.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/latest-all.json.gz | head -2 | tail -1 | sed 's/,$//' | jq . | less doesn’t have that either [20:08:09] [telegram] I think that’s a Special:EntityData thing (and wbgetentities), that it adds a few extra fields to the entity JSON [20:08:16] [telegram] I guess so, but let's of an issue because the page title for an item is just the item [20:08:26] [telegram] in repo/includes/Api/ResultBuilder.php if I’m not mistaken (which the dumps don’t use) [20:08:29] [telegram] yeah [20:08:46] [telegram] For Commons we still haven't gotten to the point of disconnecting the title and the identifier of the file [20:10:05] [telegram] I wonder if I ever filed the bug to start working on SLUGs for Commons files so we can just have commons.wikimedia.org/media/M123523_whatever_you_feel_like.jpg [21:06:56] oh what a mess that would be [21:46:44] [telegram] No, currently it's a mess because the filename is both the identifier and the title. [21:46:45] [telegram] People don't like the title, rename the file and change (and sometimes break) the identifier in the process. (re @wmtelegram_bot: [irc] oh what a mess that would be) [21:48:20] would I love to have persistent identifiers for Commons images? yes. Do I think it will have community buy-in? No.