[00:15:19] [telegram] Private messages do not scale and don't help others, I'm afraid... [18:26:14] [telegram] My question is : [18:26:14] [telegram] How i do call my class php in mediawiki ? [18:26:16] [telegram] For example : [18:26:17] [telegram] My class is WikiGraph.php [18:26:19] [telegram] I want new instance of that [18:26:20] [telegram] And call in mediawiki (re @andreklapper: Private messages do not scale and don't help others, I'm afraid...) [18:35:35] [telegram] https://t.me/wmhack/19523 (re @M: My question is : [18:35:35] [telegram] How i do call my class php in mediawiki ? [18:35:37] [telegram] For example : [18:35:38] [telegram] My class is WikiGraph.php [18:35:40] [telegram] I want new instance of that...)