[05:20:23] [telegram] Excuse me Sir/Ma'am, There's a new official server ofGNjoy, its link is https://ro.gnjoy.asia/. Still this doesn't appear in "Status of botting on Official Servers"... Can you add it. Will it be available to when you download the latest verson on github? [08:18:58] [telegram] !admin ⬆️ [08:43:33] [telegram] deleted (re @Esther: !admin ⬆️) [19:14:05] [telegram] Hi all! Your friendly neighborhood Hackathon committee is thrilled to announce the 2022 Global Wikimedia Hackathon! We invite you to join us for three days of collaborating, interactive sessions, and social fun from May 20-May 22. The Hackathon will be held online and there will be grants available to support local in-person meetups around the world. You can find more information about this on our MediaWiki.or