[02:46:34] [telegram] Hi everyone! Just a reminder that if you want to apply for a local meet up grant for the 2022 Hackathon, you can do so on the MW page. We encourage you to apply! Deadline has been extended to March 27. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022 [07:06:34] [telegram] https://t.me/+6aXiRY_JWDwyNmU8 [07:07:48] [telegram] @jhsoby [17:21:24] [telegram] In mediawiki extensions [17:21:25] [telegram] Why aren't their features written in the plugins page? [17:21:27] [telegram] How do I know what their features are? [19:03:57] [telegram] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Extensions_by_category has pages describing each extension (or should anyway) (re @M: In mediawiki extensions [19:03:58] [telegram] Why aren't their features written in the plugins page? [19:04:00] [telegram] How do I know what their features are?) [23:12:35] [telegram] Hello to all!how can I getrid off this picture, pls??Joerg : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/64357bb2/file_13695.jpg