[02:07:58] [telegram] Pywikibot has started June 2003: https://static-codereview.wikimedia.org/pywikipedia/1.html (re @Nikki: how old is pywikibot actually? I got as far as https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot/commit/d2135c88eff36253d099fa5ce9ddfc72918...) [04:36:12] [telegram] Logging is disabled by default. To enable it use global -log option or use your user-config.py. contextlib redirection of stdout/stderr is available since Pywikibot 7.1 (re @DennisPriskorn: So how can I turn all logging off?) [05:57:05] [telegram] Thanks for the information. Is this documented somewhere? Could you provide a link or an example that works? (re @xqt: Logging is disabled by default. To enable it use global -log option or use your user-config.py. contextlib redirection of stdout...) [06:35:12] [telegram] https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/master/global_options.html?highlight=global%20options [06:36:17] [telegram] https://doc.wikimedia.org/pywikibot/master/api_ref/pywikibot.config.html?highlight=config#logfile-settings [06:36:55] [telegram] Same for stable branch [10:38:34] [telegram] I'm using pywikibot as a module in python. How can I disable the logging after import? [14:47:12] [telegram] Wouldn’t expect that this is different. File logging has to be activated and is normally off. I'll make some tests. (re @DennisPriskorn: I'm using pywikibot as a module in python. How can I disable the logging after import?) [16:31:19] [telegram] Don’t have any log file if running pwb as a side package. [21:38:46] anyone have any ideas when the `workadventure` is going to go live (and if/how mentor-ish people are assigned there?)