[13:53:51] [telegram] @bd808 repin about pastebin? I removed the workadventure pin. or let me use pins :) [13:54:59] [telegram] 5572x [14:12:29] [telegram] Want to make $500 a day? A mobile phone can be operated without investment, contact me TG: @qqjjss [14:14:37] [telegram] @jeremy_b {{done}} and {{done}} [14:22:39] [telegram] I wonder if when I removed the pin before that was just for me. anyway thanks. [14:22:50] [telegram] yes, I still saw the pin :) [14:27:04] [telegram] [REMINDER] Your Hackathon feedback is wanted (until May 29th)! Please give us feedback on the Hackathon and your suggestions for improvement! [14:27:04] [telegram] Either fill out the Wikimedia Hackathon Survey at https://wikimedia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cGbCKj4xyP0H3wi after checking the survey privacy statement at https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_Post-Event_Survey_Privacy_Statement , or leave feedback on the Etherpad at https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022_Feedback [18:44:28] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/a50054a5/file_20300.jpg [18:45:01] [telegram] Hi everyone! As you can see in the picture above, the first text "ushbu maqola" should be in the uppercase (only first letter), the second text "ushbu maqola" should to be in the lowercase. (re @abdulmalikkambarov: ) [18:45:42] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/24e52770/file_20301.jpg [18:46:26] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/a1851baf/file_20302.jpg [18:52:39] [telegram] But I'll replace `this article = 'ushbu maqola'` with `this article = 'Ushbu maqola'`, the second text "ushbu maqola" (see the first image) will be in the uppercase, if it remains in the current case, the first text "ushbu maqola" will be in the lowercase. (re @abdulmalikkambarov: ) [18:55:44] [telegram] So, is it possible to use `{{ucfirst: ... }}` in `listento = '%sni ``tinglang'`? (re @abdulmalikkambarov: )