[00:04:35] [telegram] Sounds like Celtic Knot would be a good opportunity to provide updates on the situation. (re @Jan_ainali: I believe that WMUK used it as a good opportunity to rally some linguists (and other groups). Not sure what the results were tho...) [09:54:35] [telegram] Is there a function like mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') to show who created a page? [15:29:40] I don't think so, the best methods are to check for the oldest revision or the newest page creation log entry (which may not work for pages older than the page creation log) [15:51:28] [telegram] Thanks for reply i figure out this. (re @wmtelegram_bot: [irc] I don't think so, the best methods are to check for the oldest revision or the newest page creation log en...) [15:56:26] [telegram] Hi everyone! Thanks so much for filling out the Hackathon survey! If you haven't filled it out, please do! We will close it in 24 hours. [15:56:27] [telegram] Qualtrics: https://wikimedia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cGbCKj4xyP0H3wi [15:56:28] [telegram] Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022_Feedback [15:56:30] [telegram] [15:56:31] [telegram] Also, we are already in planning for the Wikimania Hackathon in August. If you have specific suggestions (especially for open-source tools for social and interactive spaces), please let me know! hlepp@wikimedia.org [16:53:39] [telegram] Аs lоts оf our usеrs аsk us аbout how trading signals work, we made a dеcision tо crеate an instruсtion 📝 which will helр evеrуоnе (even beginnеrs) to makе mоneу here [16:53:40] [telegram] 👉 https://t.me/+Ut_8c27o6jIxZjcy