[05:07:00] [telegram] /help@wikilinksbot [05:07:10] [telegram] https://www.facebook.com/aljabri.mokh [05:12:35] [telegram] /delete@wikilinksbot [07:37:11] [telegram] I'm trying to install MediaWiki on Docker on my brand-new computer, but am running into some problems [07:38:12] [telegram] The current one is that when I try to log in with Admin/dockerpass, I get the following error: https://paste.toolforge.org/view/bcd4f33f [07:38:40] [telegram] Same if I try to edit without logging in [07:39:06] [telegram] everything is fresh and clean; only things i've installed are MediaWiki and Vector [10:27:53] [telegram] i solved my problem – i had to do `sudo chmod 777 -R cache/sqlite` (probably something other than 777 is better, but this is only local for me, so meh) [11:12:49] [telegram] oh right. I had actually seen that problem as well a couple of months ago. now that you mention the solution that is. [11:15:18] [telegram] we really should have more environment checks for things like this. Its the same with paths to external programs. Often the command fails, instead of telling you it can't find the path, or doesn't have the right permissions. Its pretty confusing for users. [11:57:32] [telegram] It "should" (TM) be relatively simple to add them with how the installer is