[05:11:52] [telegram] does anyone know how to disable this kind of notifications? : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/0cf30c10/file_26639.jpg [05:12:33] [telegram] I would suspect for this setting to be responsible for it, but it is disabled (although I think I was enabling it as a test a couple of months ago) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/abfafe6e/file_26640.jpg [05:24:09] [telegram] On https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=* , I see [05:24:10] [telegram] ` "discussiontools-topicsubscription": 1,` though [05:24:18] [telegram] but I am not sure if that is the same thing or not [05:25:32] [telegram] a checkbox has an id of `mw-input-wpecho-subscriptions-web-dt-subscription` so it might be the same thing [05:25:42] [telegram] but it is super confusing [05:26:34] [telegram] It is basically a thing that has been bothering me for months now, but I am not even sure if it is me being too stupid to figure out preferences, or if there is some bug that I cannot even locate [05:27:44] [telegram] As as cool as Lydia and Magnus are, or the stuff on MWW is, I really do not need to be notified about every single topic, I just don't care as much :) [06:32:20] @thecladis: those are SD/Flow notifications, so disable "Structured Discussion" on the notification settings menu [06:34:25] [telegram] Do you know which option that is? : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/51aac4d3/file_26646.jpg [06:34:27] [telegram] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/2f44dc28/file_26647.jpg [06:34:37] [telegram] Taavi, ^ [06:35:41] try on a wiki which uses structureddiscussions, so for example mediawiki.org or wikidata [06:36:04] [telegram] Oh, so it is not in global preferences... [06:36:33] [telegram] Oh, it is, but only from those wikis [06:37:04] [telegram] Ffs, I must have a different definition of global in my mind than whomever implemented this [06:38:01] yeah :/ the globalpreferences special page currently doesn't know about preferences that don't exist on that wiki [06:38:40] [telegram] Disabled, thank you so much, it was really bothering me a lot [07:46:31] [telegram] Its because global doesnt really exist as all our wikis r different ;) (re @Thecladis: Ffs, I must have a different definition of global in my mind than whomever implemented this) [15:52:08] [telegram] Does anyone know why the relative links at the bottom of https://bn.wikisource.org/s/ha3f are not rendering? [15:54:06] [telegram] I went with this and it worked great! https://sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mall:Datumbox&diff=prev&oldid=50717981&diffmode=source (re @lucaswerkmeister: I don’t think there’s a way to add attributes directly to the link, but putting the span with title inside the links might be ea...) [17:07:07] [telegram] my guess would be that subpages aren't enabled for the main namespace (re @mahir256: Does anyone know why the relative links at the bottom of https://bn.wikisource.org/s/ha3f are not rendering?) [19:40:04] [telegram] login-stretch.tools.wmflabs.org down? [19:41:28] outdated hostname, use login.toolforge.org [19:43:55] [telegram] thanks 😊