[09:20:42] [telegram] ? [09:47:59] [telegram] Visual Editor + TemplateData is the closest thing I can think of. (re @Neechalkaran: Is there any plugin to make easily add/removal on template similar like hotcat?) [13:24:42] [telegram] Good Suggestion. But it needs to enter edit mode to perform. (re @amire80: Visual Editor + TemplateData is the closest thing I can think of.) [13:26:22] [telegram] Today I have creates HotTemp User script for removing simple Templates. (re @tehreedy: Templates are a lot more complex ;)) [16:02:54] [telegram] 🏔🏝🌋New benefits, register to get $300, contact me for details WhatsApp:+447591185824 website rb.gy/okdlbo