[01:24:16] [telegram] <_Dorothy> ๐Ÿ–Šโœ’โœ’Free Welfare Movies https://t.me/Movie14477 [07:17:35] [telegram] New stable release Pywikibot 7.5.0 was published. [08:54:40] [telegram] <.> Hi developers, [08:54:42] [telegram] <.> I want to contribute in Wikimedia as a front end developer. But don't know where to start. [08:54:43] [telegram] <.> I'll be thankfull if someone can help. [13:43:38] [telegram] https://developers.wikimedia.org [13:43:39] [telegram] You can find something you are interested in here. (re @.: Hi developers, [13:43:40] [telegram] I want to contribute in Wikimedia as a front end developer. But don't know where to start. [13:43:42] [telegram] I'll be thankfull if s...) [14:06:43] [telegram] Hi, Welcome! Please see https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/New_Developers thanks! (re @.: Hi developers, [14:06:45] [telegram] I want to contribute in Wikimedia as a front end developer. But don't know where to start. [14:06:46] [telegram] I'll be thankfull if s...) [16:20:16] [telegram] <.> Thanks everyone [17:30:35] [telegram] use public channels, don't DM people. (re @.: Thanks everyone) [17:31:20] [telegram] <.> Is there any project based on front end development that are active? [17:33:01] [telegram] did you click the 2 links people sent you already above? [19:03:37] [telegram] <.> Yeah