[11:01:42] [telegram] I have now created a more detailed description of my idea https://github.com/Discostu36/OSM-Photos [13:45:48] [telegram] Nice, thanks for describing the user experience. I've never tried the OSM app before, so this gives me a reason to :) (re @mbrandtner: I have now created a more detailed description of my idea https://github.com/Discostu36/OSM-Photos) [14:01:44] [telegram] You mean Osmand (there is no _the_ OSM app)? (re @fuzheado: Nice, thanks for describing the user experience. I've never tried the OSM app before, so this gives me a reason to :)) [14:06:02] [telegram] I have updated the description to broaden the inteded audience. Maybe this could also be interesting to non-contributors. (re @mbrandtner: I have now created a more detailed description of my idea https://github.com/Discostu36/OSM-Photos)