[05:44:22] Here is a chance to change your financial status for good this new year. [05:44:23] Went through my trades and must say your the best. Forex marketing changed my life, I invested $2000 in bitcoin, and in just 7 days of trades I realized $12,000 through the trade guidelines of sir @williamsmithfx [05:44:24] [05:44:26] https://t.me/joinchat/zuOeFpdPAkRlY2Fk [20:24:55] Hi everyone! Wikimedia is participating in the winter edition of this year’s Outreachy (December 2022–March 2023)! The deadline to submit projects on the Outreachy website is September 30th, 2022. We are currently working on a list of interesting project ideas. If you have some ideas for coding or non-coding (design, documentation, translation, outreach, research) projects, share them here on Phabricator: https:// [20:26:18] Hi everyone! Wikimedia is participating in the winter edition of this year’s Outreachy (December 2022–March 2023)! The deadline to submit projects on the Outreachy website is September 30th, 2022. We are currently working on a list of interesting project ideas. If you have some ideas for coding or non-coding (design, documentation, translation, outreach, research) projects, share them here on Phabricator: https:// [21:59:44] The Outreachy phabricator link for folks on the IRC side where @srishakatux's message was cut off: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T313361