[01:59:44] @gtisza @freosam Hi, [[wikitech:Tool:Extjsonuploader]] says you are two of that tool's maintainers. Just wanted to notify you that the bot hasn't updated the page on-wiki since July 15: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Module:ExtensionJson&action=history (it's supposed to update it every 2 hours) [02:00:46] @jhsoby hmm! That's no good. Thanks for the heads up. I'm in the midst of a hackathon just now but will try to look at it on Monday if no one does before me! [02:01:39] thanks 😊 monday sounds fine, enjoy your hackathon! [13:43:43] Hello boys:) [19:05:53] @amire80 mkdocs-material just made a new release, so I should be able to deploy it on Thursday in my normal window for updating the developer portal.