[04:38:31] is there a cookie or something I can manually set to change the skin even when logged out? [04:39:38] ?useskin=timeless (re @Nikki: is there a cookie or something I can manually set to change the skin even when logged out?) [04:40:17] I know how to change the url, but I was hoping to not have to interfere with the urls on the page [04:40:43] what are you doing? [04:41:34] trying to find a way I can write a browser extension or something to get rid of vector 2022 even when I'm not logged in [04:41:37] how would you even set the cookie? idk for sure the answer though [04:42:03] why not be always logged in? :-) [04:42:43] I use private tabs a lot [04:43:14] I do too. not so much for Wikipedia though and skin doesn't bother me so much [04:44:35] yeah, but I'm not like most people and the vector 2022 skin makes everything unusable for me [04:45:22] otoh I mostly use monobook [04:51:35] monobook's great :D I never particularly liked vector but it's at least usable for me, vector 2022 though is so different and empty [05:00:13] @Nikki: you could probably fork https://git.legoktm.com/legoktm/skip-mobile-wikipedia to rewrite the URL to have a ?useskin= at the end of it instead of fiddling with the mobile domain. [05:01:07] But whenever Vector 2022 goes default, I'm probably just going to log into an account purely for being able to use a different skin [05:03:39] log into an account...on my phone* [05:06:49] ohh, thanks! I'll have to give it a try. and yeah, the only thing I want to do is log in to make it go away and they've even made that harder to do >_< [05:08:42] on my phone I'll probably end up not doing anything other than looking at the one page that I was linked to or that showed up in the search results, since switching to the desktop version won't really help any more [08:27:36] Maybe file a bug? It's a trivial change to look at cookies as well as query parameters for useskin. [09:07:10] it's not empty – it has dedicated space for you to put tools in! (re @Nikki: monobook's great :D I never particularly liked vector but it's at least usable for me, vector 2022 though is so different and em...)