[14:06:54] New member [14:07:11] New to wikimedia [14:07:26] Forwarded from andreklapper: Hi, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Hackathons for general info [14:07:48] do you have a question? (re @LukeRowe: New to wikimedia) [14:07:56] How to start (re @jeremy_b: do you have a question?) [14:08:08] Totally new here 😌 [14:08:23] Wikipedia or Wikimedia [14:08:34] P AND M [14:09:13] https://developer.wikimedia.org/ [14:09:14] And what mission is wikimedia [14:11:10] article is broken [14:11:11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_movement [14:17:22] syntax broken by a userscript, reverted. (re @jeremy_b: article is broken [14:17:23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_movement) [15:30:22] I'd love to, but the entire code base contains multiple files and is reasonably large, so it is probably not helpful to put all content into a pastebin (re @jeremy_b: is there some way you could pastebin instead of screenshot? [15:30:22] [15:30:24] assuming appropriate syntax highlighting were available I can't thi...) [15:31:35] And my main intention to put it here is to provide context to my questions above. [15:40:21] you could pastebin just the section you were screenshotting. or just drop a link to file within a git repo (re @Disk: I'd love to, but the entire code base contains multiple files and is reasonably large, so it is probably not helpful to put all ...)